
2024年宁夏“国培计划”中西部骨干项目—银川市市级骨干教师及培养对象提升培训(初中英语一) 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

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Functions:Talk about dream job.


Vocabulary:canada, soldier,treat, war, wound,one of, realise, medical, tool, on one's own, experience, manage to do,die of, 

Recycling:doctor, hospital, sick,die for, be born in, 

take care of, work hard, 

Step1.Lead in

Look at the picture.Who is he? What do you know about him?(age,job,country,time...)

Write key words on the blackboard.

Ask students to talk about it.(激发学生的阅读兴趣)

Step2. Reading

1.Read the passage.What is the main idea of this passage?

2.Who is Norman Bethune? Why did he come to China?





Functions:Talk about food .

Topics: Feelings and impressions.

Vocabulary: smell, look, feel, taste, delicious, cheese, pizza, sugar, cookies, 

Recycling: cake, favorite, suond, quiet, sour, sweet.

Step1. Before listening

Look at the pictures and talk about them with adjectives.(sweet,sour,delicious,bad, nice, good...)


1.Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.Then ask students to read them loudly.

2.Listen and number the pictures.

3.Listen again and complete the sentences.

4.Listen and check what Betty is making.

5.Listen and read. Then ask students to act it.

Step3. After listening

1.Please complete the sentences with the words in the box.

2.Work in pairs. Say why you like or do not like them.

eg:---Do you like bananas?

---Yes, I do.They taste delicious. Do you like pandas?

3.Make sentences with"smell,look,taste, sound,feel".






已学词汇:leave, begin, build, be born in, begin, join, marry, play,



1.请仔细分析教材文本,所包含或者涉及到的话题和功能,travel 票上的座位一样,但是检票员发现老人座位是对的,车厢是错的,但是姑娘主动提出自己去坐在老人的位置上,老人就不需要动了。双方沟通、协商解决问题。2.请挑选出教材中与上述功能话题相关的哪些是新词,哪些是旧词,以旅行为依托,实际解决问题。情境是问题解决。I thought I...officer,How stupid .  take sb. seat,sit down,comfortable,3.请根据教材中的读写活动,在其间设计相应的词汇教学环节。4.建议新词要归类,心中有数,新词和需要教的新词要区分清楚。创设情境、依托语境                                                         这篇文章主要讲述了莎士比亚的生平事迹。学会用过去式描述他传奇的一生。尤其提到了当他还是一名学生的时候,莎士比亚就励志长大后要成为一名演员。在他不懈 的努力下,最终,如愿以偿,成为了一名伟大的演员和戏剧家。主题意义在于引领学生要向莎士比亚学习,要从小立志,并为之坚持不懈的努力,最终定会取得成就。凡事预则立,不预则废。

新词汇:be born in, build, play, poems, life, decide to do,theatre,  marry,successful, company, rich, around the world.


1.Willarm Shakespeare ______ 1564 in England.

2.My father __________in 2014.

3.Mo Yan is a ___________(成功的)writer.

4.Tom decided_________(buy) a gift for his mother yesterday.
