《新概念英语》(NCE) 及《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE) 线上课程
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The assistant explains to Polly that it's a self- service restaurant. What might happen next?

Create you own dialogue.



Check reading. 2Ss read.

Let's role play. First let's watch, then I'll turn off the sound, you'll make soud for the parts. More Ss role play.

Can you try to retll the story? I've got pictures.

T shows the pictrue and key words on PPT, at the same time, T shows the picture on her hands.

Group discussion: Behavior Code    How to behave yourselves when you are in a self-service restaurant. Talk about behaviror rules you shoud follow.

If there's an assistant in a self-service restaurant, what can he do?


The assistant explains to Polly that it's a self-service restaurant. What might happen next? Can you create your own dialogue? Next time, you should 


1. Read.

2. Role play with DVD. Sound off.

3. Retell with pictures and key words.

4. Discussion.

How to behave yourselves when you are in a self-service restaurant?

5. Homework.

Write a new dialogue.
