《新概念英语》(NCE) 及《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE) 线上课程
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Game 1 - Santa Claus                                       Pick a word card, pick a picture card, don't show others, make sure the two cards are different.  You'll be the Santa Claus this tim. Let me show you an example. Can you tell me your wish?  每人挑选一张单词卡和一张图片卡,然后读出自己的单词卡,用PPT上的句型Can you...? 拥有这样图片卡的同学要说Yes, of course, here you are. 然后这个交出卡片的同学继续游戏,再读自己的单词卡,另一个同学交给他图片卡。Let's check your answers.  Can you...?

Game 2 - To make a dish  (a jigsaw puzzle) 

8个人一组,选出一个组长,每人拿一片拼图。 组长读,组员给他拼图,组长要限时在白板上拼出图片。S1:Pass me A, Please.  Give me B. 


Let's go shopping. 给出购物的场景,店员和顾客小组练习


1. To be Santa Clause. Practice the pattern.

2. Check you answers. 连词成句(2种核心句型)。

3. Make a dish.用句型来传递菜肴拼图的一部分。

4. Let's go shopping.用核心句型和衣服小卡片,两人对话。

5. Homework. 改错。
