《新概念英语》(NCE) 及《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE) 线上课程
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1. Read.

2. Role play with DVD. Sound off.

3. Retell with pictures and key words.

4. Discussion.

How to behave yourselves when you are in a self-service restaurant?

5. Homework.

Write a new dialogue.


1.听力输入大。每次听力任务不同(General understanding, detail, gist, ...)


Warming up

Global understanding(最有趣的部分)

Listen for details

Vocabulary building

Interring and critical thinking(Do you like the self-service restaurant?)

Listen and match(句型和图片配对)

Read, role play and retell.

cultural discussionre (How to behave your self in a self-service restaurant?)

Extend the story


meaning, form, function

1. Retell the story (with pictures and key words and patterns)



1. 选择课文中的核心句型,让学生用不同的颜色标注不同的成分,自己找出规律。

2. 创设贴近学生的情境,让学生尝试使用核心句型表达。

3. 在类似的情境中,呈现另一个核心句型,让学生标注不同颜色,自己找出规律。

4. 呈现两个核心句型的对比(板书),不同颜色表示不同成分。



Retell the story:  What's the time? Who are they? What are they doing? How? 老师


Let's retell the so


1. To be Santa Clause. Practice the pattern.

2. Check you answers. 连词成句(2种核心句型)。

3. Make a dish.用句型来传递菜肴拼图的一部分。

4. Let's go shopping.用核心句型和衣服小卡片,两人对话。

5. Homework. 改错。


1. Presentation

2. CCQ.

3. Practice

4. Production.


meaning > form > function


controlled > freer

accuracy > fluency

input > output


1. Predict according to the title. Choose the best answer.

2. Read quickly and find the answer. Show the sentences and teach some new words with drawing and gesture.

3. Think and discuss. What can you learn from the story? (和热身活动相关)

4.Read and underline. 读故事,划出时间副词。核对答案。教师提问,学生回答,呈现动词。按时间顺序,分段听读故事。

5. Vocabulary building. 选词填空,将课文原句补全。

6. Ask and answer. Questions on the wall.

7. Create your questions.



1. Talk about it ... Ask some questions about the text. 问题与课文相关,设下悬念,发展学生批判性思维。配合图片和教具。


3. 教师揭晓答案,呈现关键词组。

4. 设置悬念,预测故事发展。


1. Retell the story with key words and pictures.

2. Read and correct.

3. Plan your trip. Group discussion. Show a mindmap.






Readding for gist.图片、简笔画、动作来解决生词。

Reading for details. Timeline. 跟读、讲解。

Vocabulary building. 选词填空。

Ask and answer. 动起来。

Create your question.不同颜色的纸条。



Jerry's diary. 第一人称改编课文。填空,练习语法。

Plan your trip.


1. 用信息差练习句型。

2. 呈现语法表格。

3. 游戏。选择本课语法句型关键词,听问题,回答问题。

4. 游戏。Hot potato. Dicing game. 学生用关键词和图片造句。


新概念青少版 双课句型语法教学





What to teach?



