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test-driven education

now we prefer to learning by doing








1. It's very dangerous to teach in the way you were taught.

2. 乱句重组、乱段成文是提高学生积极性的好做法。

3. 光听不行,必须让学生亲自说,他们才能记住并掌握。

4. 运用各种资源设计真实活动,让学生用英语做事。

5. 引导学生发展思维和兴趣,使学生终生受益。

6. intrinsic motivation is a response to needs that exist within the learner, such as curiosity, the need to know, and feelings of competence or growth.

7. Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from outside the learner, such as motivation resulting from reinforcement in the form of high test scores or teacher compliments. the sources as as follows: consumable, entertainment, independence, adult approval, peer approval, competition, privilege or responsibility.

8. What makes our students learn?

being successful

being valued 

relaxing environment

kind & nice teacher

9. How and why students like learning a foreign language?

being coaxed

out of curiosity

fun & interesting

10. Challenging, arousing curiosity and giving responsibilities may all help students learn.

11. How can we make students fall in love with our classes?


12. Success brings success; failure brings failure.

13. Teacher decides everything. Attitude decides the kind of teacher.

     Teaching methods decide everything. Teaching methods come from the teacher's dedication.

14. Try to find out the "teachable moment". What is a "teachable moment"? Not every moment in class is when the students are ready to learn.

15. 一个好老师一定能根据学生的程度改变教材的处理方式,教材深了就浅出,教材浅了就深挖。

16. 教师应利用课后资源,让学生主动查找东西,实施探索性教育。




Five goals of American education: Pruducing students who are

  • literate
  • understand the sciences
  • have a sense of health
  • have as sense of ethnics
  • have a sense of citizenship

John Dewey advocated progressive education:

  • I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.
  • I believe that the school must represent present life——life as real and vital to the child as that which he carries on in the home, in the neighborhood, or on the playground.
  • I believe that much of present education fails because it neglects this fundamental principle of the school as a form of community life. It conceives the school as a place where certain information is to be given; where certain lessons are to be learned, or where certain habits are to be formed.The value of these is conceived as lying largely in the remote future the child must do these things for the sake of something else he is to do; they are mere preparation. as a result they do not become a part of life experience of the child and so are not truly educative.
  • I believe that the teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences.
  • I believe that the only true education comes through the stimulation of the child's powers by the demands of the social situation in which he finds himself.
  • I believe that this educational process has two sides——one psychological and one sociological.


      教师做示范,全班do group work or pair work,体现教育的公平性。自己也轻松,还给学生更多的机会。



Successful lessons are those that are tuned to the needs of the students, not to the interest of the teachers and the demands of the next unit.

Students want to go on learning the language because they think they are good at it.

Once kept motivated and encouraged, a student will work harder and learn better.

Never let a student read your disappointment from your eyes.

Let's build students' confidence by doing three things:

1. Teach and help students master 50-100 oral English sentences;

2. Teach and help students master the easy ways of spelling words;

3. Teach and help students master more than 100 verbal phrases.





Teaching is for entertainment.

Motivation is the most important thing in learning English.



1. 学生举手可以站起来或者坐着,但不许出声。

2. 一个一个去上厕所

3. 用不同的方式朗读(面向不同方向、坐在桌子上、开火车、选择不同地点),通过朗读让学生爱上说英语。

4. 尽量避免句型训练,创设真实情境把学生involve进来。(例:吃水果)

5. 讲故事

6. 调动学生学英语的情绪,不当众批评学生。先让学生喜欢自己,然后交流就没有问题了。


1. 英语学习应该边学边做

2. 真实的交际任务

3. 教师的作用是modelling

4. 英语学习条条大路通罗马,只做自己喜欢做的事

5. 教学态度决定教师采用什么样的方法;



