Teaching Reading at Senior Middle School
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learning outcomes

aims objectives based on teaching

or learners

what do we want to achieve ?

What do they know now?

What can they achieve?

what to do with the reading text?

share your outcomes

learner who take responsiblities for themselves,so they know what they are expected to achieve.



A takes B's writing ,B listen and remember. A and B work together to make the whole text.

What words are important in a listening material?

Focus on stressed pattern 


Words that are stressed  are important ones.


Elements of A Text

Top Down

  • Writer, audience and location
  • Genre, style, register (level of formality)
  • Layout or format
  • Coherence and cohension
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Punctuation
  • Letters


  • therefore
  • however
  • farthermore
  • moreover
  • thus
  • order words: later, afterwards

Cohesive devices

Conherence: is the logical organization of ideas. How the idea fixed together in a text.

The logic is differen of English from Chinese. English text is in linear logic while Chinese is in a round logic.

Reading sub skill:

  • Prediction

e.g. What did the threter open?

Then you can predict and/or phraph the type of language can be used in the text.

  • skimming: way of reading newspaper
  • scanning: find specific details
  • Reading and notetaking
  • Inferring

Always read the task first, avoid word spotting. 


Chinese learner need extra-research in understanding the text.

  • Pre reading development of background knowledge
  • Thinking about writer, audience and location of text
  • Look at titles, headings or pictures and predicting content

While reading

  • Skimming
  • Working out the writer's writing pattern
  • Working out internal structure of text
  • Identify conherence decive
  • Working out meaning of word and structures



good readers

  • have necessary language knowledge
  • can intergrate information in the text with existing knowledge
  • read extensively, reading as much as possible
  • have a flexible reading style according to text type
  • are motivated
  • rely on  different skills; perceptual or phonmic processing, recalling, etc
  • read for a purpose

Reading Approaches

  • Reading to learn
  • Learning to read

Throgh a class to bring your student from their own level to the tar geted level.

good readers

  • enjoy reading
  • use critical thinking
  • pick out key information
  • use good skills
  • complete reading
  • careful
  • enough background
  • good attention span
  • good hapbits





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