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 导入:What do you use water to do at home/ at school?

   water[ brush....clean... ]

            grow..  put out fire...

reading1:read and finish  part1(T/F)

Q1:How much of the fresh water can we       drink?

Q2:Why water is dirty?(watch a video)


活动1:the map shows the blue parts have enough water. yellow parts don't have enough water.  why?(地形,天气)

reading2: listen and read( saving water is important)

活动2:interview: Who is water saver? why?

         T:HELLO.I'm... I'm doing an interview        about water saving.Do you have any time?


T:Do you think which boy in the pictures is      water saver? why?


 活动3:Debate: Who is a water saver?

                I think.... Because...

             出示一组图片 take a shower

                                   have a bath


 活动4: do a report

   1. where?   wet/dry

    2. enough water/ don't have enough water

3.  more people/less people

4.  how to save water             









