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Super Mind Level 2- Unit 9 Holiday plans

苏州外国语学校        陈本洪


Warm up:

1. using letters to make magic word=holiday

2. sing a song(happy holiday-you and me)gestures

Lead in:

When they have holiday,there are many things to do:

I'd like to do sth.

(looking for the holidays-calendar-make plan by mark)


1. The first day,I'd like to...(-ou)

    The next day, we'd like to...(there are many answers, encourage Ss to say) (go hiking、go camping)(不要急于否定孩子的回答)

2. sing a song to integrate the knowledges

3. the last day, I'd like to...(注意支架的搭建)(keep a scrapbook)

4. Sum-up my holiday plan(板书)


1. group-work-holiday poster

Listen: he'd like to...(choose the right picture)(本阶段锻炼听说为主)

discuss:they'd like to.../she'd like to ...(先分享讨论结果,再引导正确描述,同时引导情感价值的培养-help)

2. Chant (core sentence)(可设计小组合作活动,不同的小组代表不同的核心短语,当唱到该短语时,小组成员全体站起来一起读)

3. Match the letter and the sentence (要有输出,让孩子们静态+动态展示)


draw and write-make your holiday plan

eg: New year holiday is coming!

     The first day, I'd like to...

      The next day, I'd like to...

      The last day, I'd like to...

     That will be great!


